2 definitions by I don't like crunk

An accessory men often wear when attending certain social functions, such as weddings, nightclubs, cruiseship discotechs and other vacation spots.

While beer goggles are great fun to wear at parties, men usually make the mistake of taking them off in the morning after waking up with the previous nights' score.
Does anyone really need an example?!?
by I don't like crunk August 29, 2004
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A slang a word that people with low IQs use when they can't think of anything elso to say. Usually refers to smoking weed, getting drunk or acting like a hoodlum.

The music associated with the crunk lifestyle is always the same crap radio bullshit: Ignorant rappers with no talent yelling about bending over or something ridiculous.

Whites, Asians and Hispanics in the suburbs are crunk now too, which is most confusing to inner city Blacks.
A white top 40 dj in Anytown, USA:

"So 104 Party was at the Lil John concert last night and boy was it crunk up in there!"
by I don't like crunk August 25, 2004
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