11 definitions by Hyacinth Bucket



"I am a lawyer representing the company which this individual has said untruthful statements against. I am recommending you remove all anti-AOL, as a matter of fact all AOL, America Online, or any other names people come up with or within 14 days I will be placing a lawsuit against this website for closure due to slander against the AOL company. AOL did not request this, they had enough employees..."
by Hyacinth Bucket January 14, 2005
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Good-looking, attractive, hot.

British slang.
"I've got to go see that dishy Vicar."
by Hyacinth Bucket November 17, 2004
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A dumb person who just keeps getting dumber.

As heard on the Rush Limbaugh show, which gave a shout-out to Urban Dictionary regarding this word.
Ardent John Kerry supporters are a bunch of jackballs!
by Hyacinth Bucket December 31, 2005
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"Don't go into that bathroom--there is a ripe Judy in there!"
by Hyacinth Bucket November 17, 2004
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