1 definition by Hhahahdjdbah

A practice that started on out the west coast, possibly as part of a comedy skit; accusing someone whom you don’t like or possibly hurt your feelings of harassing you or otherwise hurting your wittle feelings. In snokflake land your feelings are paramount, if you accuse someone of hurting your wittle feelings that person loses their first amendment rights and will be presented by the snowflake media (fake news, election meddling, propaganda machine) as guilty and public shaming among SJW/snowflakes will ensue, despite no real evidence of any wrongdoing. The original movement started out as #looks@me, which was a way for individuals with dad issues to gain the attention dad never gave..
That person is doing better than me in life, I’m going to accuse them of harassing me because i don’t like them and I want people to pay attention to me..#metoo
by Hhahahdjdbah February 15, 2018
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