4 definitions by HeyBoyDraws

When the Jiang clan gets up to shenanigans in MDZS.
Lan Wangji suffered through an unreasonable amount of shenanijiangs at the gate.
by HeyBoyDraws August 10, 2020
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Drafts of sexually explicit fan art, shared with a group or individual for constructive criticism and feedback. This is a term used in fan art communities on Discord.
Thanks for the foreplay. I think the shading around his jaw could be a little darker.
by HeyBoyDraws December 21, 2019
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A reference photo used by both digital and traditional artists, that is created by roughly photoshopping together body parts and objects from multiple sources and then used as the model for the finished artwork.
I had to create a Frankenref from six different sources because I couldn’t find a useful photo of a woman with short hair sitting on a stool eating a piece of cake.
by HeyBoyDraws December 21, 2019
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When you are enjoying the activity of creating art so much that you prolong the process intentionally, delaying the final completion of the work.
I just bought a new set of watercolors, so I’m going to be art edging tonight.
by HeyBoyDraws January 2, 2020
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