1 definition by Her Girlfriend

An amazing girl.
A lesbian, and such a charmer that all girls and guys are chasing her.
She's kind and sarcastic, and really hilarious. She's complicated and intelligent. She has beautifully colored dark hair, and gorgeous brown eyes.
She thinks she's 'fat' and 'ugly' and she always wants to be someone else, even though everyone tells her and knows otherwise.
Ivy has ideas and plans that most people would call impossible and crazy, stupid, far-out, and irresponsible. But her plans are everyone's dreams, they aren't possible for others but with someone as amazing as her of course they'll happen.
She's kinda alternative looking, but don't let it fool you. She. Likes. Everything. Every kind of person, every kind of music, all kinds of movies and books; it isn't hard to find similar interests with her.
Everyone loves her, basically, whether it's friend wise or relationship wise.
*Ivy walking down the hallway*
Everyone: damn, look at Ivy! She looks so good, her girlfriend is so lucky.
Her Girlfriend: I'm really, really lucky. I love Ivy so much.
by Her Girlfriend July 23, 2013
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