2 definitions by HepburnisaBitchboi

A large spazmoidic person who thinks because they put a line in their hair we will all forget he fucked a 15 year old and got her pregnant, no ones forgetting you mong
A- "Hey man did you watch Jeremy Kyle last night"

B- "No I didn't catch it why?"

A- "Well James Hepburn was on there with his old 15 year old girlfriend wanting a dna test for his twelve children"

B- "Oh really haha"
by HepburnisaBitchboi April 8, 2019
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Famous footballer caught for being a pedophile the use of his name being a different was to call someone a nonce
"Did you hear James Hepburn shagged a 15 year old"

"Yep he's an Adam Johnson"
by HepburnisaBitchboi March 17, 2019
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