2 definitions by HelpMePleaseILostMyTvRemote
When you do something so utterly stupid in the carpentry while knowing your doing it.
Or if your doing good work then someone says with the “looks good from my house” mindset says the job is finished when it’s not
Or if your doing good work then someone says with the “looks good from my house” mindset says the job is finished when it’s not
Castle: AH shit, i cut this board 2 inches too long.
Me: Castle, You Chink, Can’t even cut shit properly.
Me: Castle, You Chink, Can’t even cut shit properly.
by HelpMePleaseILostMyTvRemote March 15, 2022
SOH: shorthand For Sleight of Hand
Friend 1: man dude the Crossbow has such a slow reload speed cant wait until I get SOH to reload fast!
by HelpMePleaseILostMyTvRemote January 28, 2021