1 definition by Helmet Lad

Basically, a skater is just that. Someone who skateboards. You need to put no stereotype upon us-in fact, i know a chav who skates! Skaters wear whatever they want to, and because of this often appear non-conformist, however they wear what they feel is comfortable.

On the other hand, just wearing skate clothes does not make you a poser. Many people wear skate shoes because they are comfy-thats wot theyre made for (apart from skating). However, wearing skate clothes and claiming to be a skater, without the ability to even do an ollie is being a poser.

And hey-being a skater doesnt mean you do drugs-i dont smoke weed, i dont smoke, but i skate. Sure, some skaters do weed, but its their body to fuck up.

Most skaters dont mind bmxers or inline skaters, everyone can use the park. And yeah, course we piss people off by street skating-thats part the fun. Lighten up, dont be so materialistic. We're out having fun, all you can do is stand around and complain that we're having more fun than you.

Skater 1: Woah! Just landed a 180 earlygrab roastbeef off the flatbank!
Skater 2: Rad
by Helmet Lad October 7, 2005
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