3 definitions by Hector;))

Cindy’s are most commonly Asian and Cindy’s friends are usually making racist jokes. Cindy’s almost always Cancers. All Cindy’s have black hair, what look to be black eyes but are just really dark brown and, all Cindy’s are super prepared.
Person 1: Yo have you seen Cindy?
Person 2: Yeah she try’s so hard in school
Person 1: Well that’s Cindy for you
by Hector;)) June 16, 2019
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Austin’s are ALWAYS carrots. They always wear bright orange shirts, bright orange shorts, and bright orange shoes. Austin’s are always annoying and always get off topic. Austin’s love being perverts and touching girls butts. Austin’s always tells people to call him daddy. Austin’s always share to much information
Person 2: Gross, but that’s what Austin’s are known for
by Hector;)) June 16, 2019
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Dakoda is a beach ball and doesn’t know it. Dakoda’s hobby is watch people change in bathroom stalls
Person 1: Hey did you see Dakoda watching me in the changing in the bathroom stall
Person 2: Yeah! What a Dakoda
by Hector;)) June 15, 2019
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