18 definitions by Gusto

a random hobo that likes to participate in hobo stab fests
look up "hobo stab fest"
that there is a grade A hoobob, he stabs like a snoobob ah tell u hwat.
look p snoobob
by Gusto March 24, 2005
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the famous catch phrase from pinky from thw show: "the pinky and the brain"
Brain- "pinky this time we WILL take over the world"
Pinky- "but Brain I just want some- NARF-POINT-cheese"
by Gusto May 25, 2005
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the words of an angry street fighting jamaican trying to tell a heroic story of his past fights and trying to show people his punching moves
very closely related to
huah biff
and than i was like HUAH BIFF SWACK!!
U gotta learn how to fight!
by Gusto March 23, 2005
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A small puny bird that either drops dead or explodes upon being seen by a crazy yellis. these birds are usually annoying and stupid and go "peep" a alot.
damn baibises!! get outa my house! ahh hate them soo much!!!
by Gusto March 24, 2005
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Have you ever seen the comercial with the greasy giant buff dudes posing and playing basketball? Than in the backround you hear the super hot chick say "I want your bod!"
Well now thanks to this vile comercial the word "bod" has a extremle negative connotation.
Dude dont bod the shot! dont bod it!
Dude this show is hella bod lets blow this popcicle stand!
Quit bodding me!
by Gusto March 15, 2005
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shorented version of "I dont know"
Whats the capital of uruguay?
by Gusto March 23, 2005
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