3 definitions by Grizzlybike

Acronym for "vertical video, didn't watch." A way to reject the awful practice of recording video in portrait mode on a phone instead of just turning the damn thing sideways. Inspired by "TLDR" (to long, didn't read).
That video of your cat you posted might be interesting, but VVDW.
by Grizzlybike June 19, 2017
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In bicycling lingo, a jogger or pedestrian dressed in dark clothing and no light or reflective gear at night.
I was out riding last night and almost hit a ninja. Good thing I was using a light.
by Grizzlybike May 9, 2015
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In bicyclist's lingo, a jogger who suddenly turns around without looking after reaching a mileage goal, usually with headphones on. If the crazy ivan is executed just as a cyclist is passing, it can be a dangerous maneuver, as the jogger is changing lanes to go the other direction. A jogger with headphones on may not hear an audible pass warning from a cyclist.
On the trail today, some runner did a crazy ivan and almost hit me. Idiot!
by Grizzlybike May 9, 2015
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