2 definitions by Graysondolansbitch

Alana: have you seen my sister, Ava.

Friend: yeah bro she well ugly.

Ava: ya’ll chatting shit or sum.

Alana: nah dont worry broski
Ava: ite that’s good den bruh
by Graysondolansbitch July 23, 2019
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Where the US military be hidding all dem spacey bois like E•T and Michael Jackson.

800K people are going to raid on September 20th
Me: are you coming to raid Area 51 on September 20th

Gary: yeah how could I miss it! Fuck 9/11 let’s get 9/20

Me: if I die play XXX at my funeral.

Gary: I can get Grayson Dolan to come and grind on your coffin too?
Me: gorn then lmao. See you on 9/20
by Graysondolansbitch July 23, 2019
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