2 definitions by Grape

1. Gaseous Water

2. An intense situation or action

3. Getting horny
1. Can I have a glass of water?

2. *Talking to friends* OMG I just got steamed by my parents, they threw such a fit when they caught me fucking my pillow.

3. Look at (insert name), he's only stared at her for 10 seconds and he's already steaming up.
by Grape March 2, 2012
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To have a friend suspend a male cadaver over your face, with their testicles resting on your eye sockets, while a friend squeezes/punches the body's abdomen, releasing anal mung into your awaiting mouth.
wow! billy and peter transylvanian teabagged my uncle in the park last tuesday.
by Grape July 31, 2004
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