3 definitions by Ghetto Lane

The right lane of a intersection. Usually used for turning-traffic, this lane is used by Gangsters to get through intersections in front of drivers who have been waiting. Also known and the G-Lane or the Ghetto Lane, this Gangster Lane is a sign of the creeping ghetto. Normal citizens are baffled and confused when first encountering a Gangster Lane.
Driver: Did you see that guy? He just blew past us on the right and cut me off after hitting that parked car. I am going to have a talk with that young man.
Passenger: Take it easy dude, you didn't notice but that was a Gangster Lane. If you are going to talk to that driver let me out right here.
by Ghetto Lane December 16, 2014
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Euphemism for Ghetto Lane, it's when drivers use the right-turn lane to blast through intersections, passing drivers who were waiting their turn and often scaring the shit out of decent folks.
Child: Daddy, why did that loud hoopdie just pass us and run over than man on a bicycle?
Father: Well son, didn't you notice there was a G-Lane back there? That was the proper use of the G-Lane.
Child: OK daddy.
by Ghetto Lane December 16, 2014
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The right side of the road when entering an intersection. This is often used for drivers who are turning right but in the ghetto it is used as a thru-lane wherein ghetto sleds can creep past the waiting cars and then floor it when the light turns green. Within a few hundred feet or yards the Ghetto Lane user will need to merge back into the main lane, this usually involves cutting off cars, near-misses with pedestrians, and possibly running over cyclists.

The Ghetto Lane is often referred to as the G-Lane. This preserves some sense of political-correctness but also serves to account for the synonym - Gangster Lane - so used because the Ghetto Lane is often used by Gangsters.
Look alive up here, this intersection has a ghetto lane.
by Ghetto Lane December 16, 2014
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