1 definition by Genius_Definition

(adj) Referring to anything about the Sugondat Islands, a chain of ten islands located near Montserrat. Like aforementioned Montserrat, the Sugondese Dix are also a British Overseas Territory. Though administered by the British, most of the island's inhabitants speak French or Creole, explaining the common nickname for the Island the "Sugondese Dix" which means "Sugondese Ten" in English. The Island is famous for its Rubber and Nut trees, which make up its largest exports. Sugondese Balls and Sugondese Nuts are prized possessions for trade and make a lot of money for the Sugondat Islands. Unfortunately, the popular YouTube commentator PewDiePie has popularized the term in an incorrect way, as his second nationality. In reality, he is just trolling his audience by saying he is "part Swedish and part Swedish", as Su-gun-day-say means Swedish in the Hausa language. There are also many popular celebrities such as popular Fortnite streamers Ninja, TSM Daequan and Myth who at least have part Sugondese descent.
"Have you tried Sugondese?"

"Sugondese What?"

"Sugondese Balls."

"Have you tried Sugondese Nuts?"

"Yeah, they're amazing aren't they?"
by Genius_Definition November 6, 2018
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