1 definition by Garfunkel2303

Nethmi in Sanskrit translates to "Eyes like gems". Another source says "Beautiful Eyes" but both definitions preach the same truth. It's her eyes, eyes that see through all the BS to find the good in people. Stars and galaxies couldn't compare, as you stare into those deep brown eyes you get lost in them and yet never want to leave. Eyes that radiate love, care, concern, devotion, life and above all, an overwhelming sense of peace.
Her smile lights up the room, her laugh is infectious and shes just a fun person to be around. Even though she's really friendly with others, she doesn't easily trust. She's not open and is very good at faking her emotions. It takes a lot to earn her trust, but once you win her heart, she'll be loyal to you to a fault. She always tries to put others before herself, even when she shouldn't and is always willing to listen to their problems and try and help.
She's got tonnes of sass, adores babies, she's an emphatic eater and gobbles just about anything, she's cheesy and loves a good romantic movie or book but at the same time loves watching horror movies only to get scared in the nights.
"Nethmi"s tend to be insecure about themselves a lot. Some think they arent as pretty or talented as the other girls but little do they know just how beautiful and perfect they are.
She's a breathtaking kisser and a caring, loving and overall amazing girlfriend and anyone would be lucky to have her. Too bad shes taken haha!
You'll never find someone like her.
Person 1: I've had a terrible day, I've got a headache and I'm so fed up of everything!
Nethmi: Just gaze into my eyes, everything will be ok.
by Garfunkel2303 August 20, 2019
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