2 definitions by GYUK

These two words are a prefix of a wide variety of words in the dialect of people from Hedon, East Yorkshire. They are often used in a forthright way, and are an instruction for someone to do something.
Instruction to a child unwilling to wear a particular garment such as a scarf or balaclava - "Get it worn."
Instruction to a child to finish their tea - "Get it eaten."

Seen scrawled with chalk on a blackboard in a pub in Hedon - Get it Fingered.
by GYUK August 2, 2014
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A cleaner version of the word Arse-holes. Suitable for utterance in front of children. Word may have orinated in Suffolk, England.
"If he doesn't want to do it. Arm-holes to him."
"Oh...arm-holes!" Elmo the landlord in the 80s TV sitcom Brush Strokes
by GYUK September 14, 2013
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