4 definitions by GONHAN

Someone who doesn't speak alot thinks a ton about everything and sometimes a bit boring and is considerably overweight but overall good friend
He is a total bhashitha ....
by GONHAN April 3, 2018
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A light in the dark to always guide you to the right path, the brightest star in the darkest of nights.

Ambitious, courageous and always victorious she is the perfect young woman.
She is an exemplary figure like Anuji
by GONHAN July 9, 2019
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A true friend who will be by your side trough your darkest of times and best of days. He’ll literally hold your hand through it all. He is the personification of the word best friend.
To have someone who you can trust and know he’ll trust you back in the same way ...is someone who you can call shanith.
by GONHAN January 20, 2019
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