2 definitions by GEARZ

Expression according to aesthetic principles. For that matter, anything artificial and is above ordinary significance. Some might argue, anything artificial at all is art. But in most's opinions it should provoke a feeling or emotion.
That piece of art is truly amazing!
by GEARZ May 26, 2008
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A business day is a duration of time standardized to the seven-day work week, used to differentiate calendar days, based on a seven-day week, from the time period when a company is in operation.

In the Western world, Saturdays and Sundays are not counted as business/working days. In some Muslim countries and in Israel, this applies to Friday and Saturday.

Business days are common measurements in companies with time-sensitive services, such as shipping or payment processing. As an example, when sending a package with a shipping company such as FedEx, a shipment dispatched on a Thursday that is to be delivered in "two business days" will arrive on the following Monday.

In the United States of America, a work day is generally referred to as a weekday, not including Saturday and Sunday.

I ordered these new Molotow markers from artprimo.com on Thursday, it said they'd arrive in 2-5 business days so I guess they'll arrive on Monday-Thursday.
by GEARZ May 23, 2008
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