2 definitions by Fus10n

The woman your cheating on your real wife with. You get a snack from her while your missing out on the real meal, your wife.
I just got done with my candy wife before my wife came home.
by Fus10n August 1, 2006
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It is a sexual move where the male is hitting that shit from the back (doggie style) and you pretend like your about to cum. Then, you pull out and spit on her back, but keep the real jizz ready to go. When she turns around to see the mess you made, you hit her in the face with all of your next generations (sperm). Laugh it off then get a sharpie and draw a swastika (fuck if i know how to spell) on her lower back and put a tally mark below it. Now, everytime you fool her, stick another tally mark under the symbol. So now when you see a girl with a bunch of tallys, she either likes it, or is a dumbass mother fucker.
Yo, shit cuz, i fucking pulled a blitzkrieg on my bitch then dumped her ass, fucktard bitch.
by Fus10n July 21, 2006
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