46 definitions by Frank Rider

An OHSHIT moment is the instant between the pain and screaming, or the first time you smell Paris Hilton's cooch. (Maybe a mix of both.) Any sort of moment where you are bound to freak out has an OHSHIT, big or small. Here you may yell out a shitplitive, begin to cry, or crap yourself. Or all three.
(An example of an OHSHIT moment)

In Johnny's head-

'OHSHIT, definitely not having kids now.'
by Frank Rider August 22, 2009
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An annoying French person. Not all French people, you can call a Frenchy this after they do something stupid'
After Pierre stubs his toe, call him a toad sucker.
by Frank Rider August 22, 2009
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Tom Waits' sixth album, from 1980, had nine tracks and lasted for forty-five glorious minutes. As soon as it starts playing you get a smooth blast of drum, and a jagged slice of guitar. Half of the album's songs are jumpy and dangerous, while the other half are slow and beautiful. Some high points are Jersey Girl - a love song, and 'Til The Money Runs Out, a loud-mouth fighting song.
An excerpt from Heartattack and Vine's-
Mr. Siegal

I shot the morning in the back
With m' red wings on
I told the sun he'd better go back down
And if I can find a book of matches
I'm goin' to burn this hotel down
You got to tell me brave captain
Why are the wicked so strong
How do the angels get to sleep
When the devil leaves the porch-light on
by Frank Rider August 23, 2009
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1. The fourteenth song on Tom Waits' 1999 album, Mule Variations.

2. A term for any strange or disgusting new food. If you can't figure out a food's name or ingredients, you may call it this.
Rattle snake piccata with grapes and figs
Old brown Betty with a yellow wig
Tain't the mince meat filagree
And it ain't the turkey neck stew
And it ain't them bruleed okra seeds
Though she made them especially for you
Worse won a prize for her bottom black pie
The beans got thrown to the dogs
Jaheseus Christ, I can always make room
Cookin' up a Filipino Box Spring Hog
by Frank Rider August 22, 2009
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Some who is future fucked or who is future fucking people up,

1. (n) Can be a kid from birth to 10 that follows current clothing, music, and television trends.

2. (v) Someone who forces all of the current trends upon their children or the children around them.

They will be idiots when they grow up, and they will have no real culture of their own.
1. Little Johnny knows all of the rappers, wears baggy jeans that show his boxers, he loves MTV, and he thinks he has bitches and homies. He's definitely Future Fucked.

2. Johnny's parents are Future Fucking him, by buying him gold chains instead of food, teaching him rap songs instead of grammar, have him watch MTV instead of Sesame Street, and letting him hang out with all the bad kids.
by Frank Rider August 22, 2009
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This album was Tom Wait's 1987 release. In all actuality, it was the soundtrack to a play of the same name that Waits had written and starred in, it was about a murderous accordion player. One of his most popular songs, Innocent When You Dream, is on the album. More Than Rain is here with I'll Be Gone, as well. It is a sad sort of album, but with plenty of up tempo music and a bit of old style jazziness to it.
An excerpt from Frank's Wild Years'
Straight Up To The Top (Rhumba)-

I'm going straight up to the top
Up where the air is fresh and clean
I know that I will never stop, no no
Until I know I'm wild and free
I'm like a champagne bubble
Pop pop pop
by Frank Rider August 23, 2009
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1. A stereotype, but about Yetis. It has it's origins in the twelfth episode of internet puppet show, Transylvania Television. In the episode 'Because I'm A Yeti', main character Furry Ackermonster does a monologue explaining Yeti stereotypes. Hence Yeti-otypes.

2. When used in everyday conversation, a yetiotype is a ridiculous or unfounded steriotype about people.
An example of a yetiotype would be to say that all men are stupid.
by Frank Rider December 7, 2009
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