10 definitions by FoxxDogg

To remove an object from risk of repossession in the event of a loan default, by assigning another object as collateral to the loan amount in its place.
Sissy, I own my car free and clear, now that you have decollateralized it by making Dad's car collateral for your loan instead.
by FoxxDogg June 18, 2005
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"Quit being so half-donkey about it, you lazy putz.
by FoxxDogg October 15, 2004
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(n.) A geometric figure composed of a set of tweets on Twitter whose hashtags link such that the tweets form a geometrical figure, in any number of dimensions.

Related term: hashtagonal (adj.), having the properties of such a structure.
Here are three tweets: 1) My #dog ate an #apple. 2) The #lion growled like a #dog. 3) No #lion has ever eaten an #apple. Tweets 1 and 2 link at dog, 2 and 3 at lion, and 1 and 3 at apple. The three tweets form a hashtagonal triangle (or a triangular hashtagon). The same can be done for all geometrical figures reducible to lines and vertices with any degree of connectedness, in any number of dimensions, for flat space and probably for any uniform hyperspheroidal manifold.
by FoxxDogg February 4, 2010
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