2 definitions by Forehead and Tomodo

A pvntz is an Italian cuckold, who rages at absolutely everyone and everything, especially when his spaghet is not finished. Although pvntz is almost 17, he still has bedtime at 8pm and is not allowed to play on weekdays. pvntz is not the smartes individual, and his stupidity and shitty memory frequently gets documented on his friends YouTube channel, to the pleasure of his Twitter audiance.
"Bro, I was in a game of ranked, and this pvntz just sprayed a Mira down with Ying and didn't land a single bullet."
by Forehead and Tomodo May 8, 2018
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A Tomodo is a highly intelligent individual with very apish behavior and a limited vocabulary. You will often see him holding angles with acogs on Siege, or knocking noobs out with bats on GTA. If you ever meet a Tomodo in the online world, you are advised to stay clear as his behavior is severely unpredictable. This individual will snap at the slightest annoyances, and will absolutely, ruin your day, whatever the game is.
"Man, I was just playing GTA, running on the walkways, and all of a sudden this Tomodo pulls up in a range rover, and runs me over as he then proceeds to exit the vehicle and charge me with a bat. Defo the scariest moment I've had in the last month."
by Forehead and Tomodo May 8, 2018
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