17 definitions by FitofPeak

Costing the same
"Hey, from here, a trip to Paris is roughly coexpensive with going to Hawaii -- let's go to France."

Or: "Outsourcing payroll is going to be coexpensive with keeping it in house, so I could go either way on it."

It's obviously a play on "coextensive."
by FitofPeak June 26, 2012
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A ten-dollar word for "screwing around," i.e., wasting time -- circum (around) + coition (having sex).
"OK, folks, enough of this circumcoition -- let's get this goddam truck unloaded."
by FitofPeak April 13, 2010
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A particularly low-order minion -- qualified to perfrom only the most mindless tasks, on the order of a trained chimpanzee smearing suntan lotion on its reclining master.
I had a morning meeting, so I had my lotion chimp come over and let the electrician in.
by FitofPeak May 26, 2010
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