2 definitions by FireHawkDelta

A streamed run of a video game where the streamer is so confident they will succeed that they promise to take the audience to Wendy's if they fail.
This run isn't quite yet in Wendy's territory, but the RNG would have to screw me multiple times for me to lose from here. If I get another great weapon drop, this will definitely become a Wendy's run.
by FireHawkDelta August 6, 2020
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A cheese and veggie omelette from an infamous US military MRE, considered so disgusting that you can't eat it without vomitting.
My seargent gave me the vomelette MRE because he hates me, so I dug a hole and buried it rather than eating the abomination.
by FireHawkDelta July 25, 2022
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