2 definitions by Fidowido

Incredible player of the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive. He has an individual level that many would like to have, but the lack of level of his teammates makes him unable to give his best performance. His partner Oierma, better known on the internet as "Saynner" or "TheBigSaynner" is one of the players he plays with the most. If you see this duo in the faceit lobbies, turn on cheats or dodge because there will be no other way to stop them.
When someone want to know who is IbonElSabio
by Fidowido November 23, 2021
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Daniel Adán, better known on the internet as "v1NCHENSO7" is an ex-professional Counter Strike: Global Offensive player. He is now streaming twitch. His playing style is a mix between Ziwatanejo's playing style and Fidowido94's playing style. He is not a very good player but he entertains the public because he rages everyone except TokioAWP. #TeamAreGODas.
When you try to know who is v1NCHENSO7
by Fidowido November 23, 2021
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