2 definitions by Fangirl Tralalalala

When a girl has large breasts and her friend or significant other asks why said girl doesn't like to run, jump, dance, etc in one word, or said girl decides to only use one word. The word "Loobs" is a combination of "laziness" and "boobs", as in the girl is lazy and her boobs are too large, or too large and a combination of some other thing which causes the large boobs to be a set back; a blessing and a curse.
Marshall: Gianna, babe, why don't you run? Like ever? The only time I've ever seen you run is to food or away from bugs!
Gianna: I just can't run.
Marshall: Sure, but WHY?!?! FUCKING WHY?!?! Explain it to me!
Gianna: One word. Loobs.
Marshall: What is "Loobs"?
Gianna: Look it up on Urban Dictionary.
by Fangirl Tralalalala December 15, 2016
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When you can't curse because you're in school, moms visiting, thin walls and you're fucking,you're a youtuber with a young audience, etc . Whatever reason you have not to scream "FUCK" and you already start off the "FFFF" so instead you scream "FFFFuzzie onezie"
Mom: It was so nice visiting you, Gianna.
Gianna: *drops plate on foot* OH FFFFuzzie onezie!!!!!!
by Fangirl Tralalalala April 28, 2016
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