2 definitions by FJT

(similar to the rusty trombone)

When one male soccer fan gives another male soccer fan analingus, while blowing into his partners asshole, he grasps his erect penis with both hands..... Imitating the posture and sound of a person blowing into a vuvuzela .
Lance was so excited when Spain scored.... He gave Pete a RUSTY VUVUZELA !
rusty vuvuzela
by FJT June 25, 2010
When a man who used to properly groom his pubic area on a regular basis, has since let it grow wild. The hair has now taken over all parts of his nether-regions, thus resembling an inhabitant of the plantet Kashyyyk.
"Dude, look at your pubes! You've got yourself quite the Trouser Wookie ! "
by FJT June 27, 2010
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