10 definitions by Eziquio C.

A small penis. This was also a title given to President Martin van Buren.
I think I'll take out my "Little Magician" at Denny's tonight ;)
by Eziquio C. December 2, 2014
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A slang term for sexual intercourse. It comes from the action of sticking a penis in a vagina or asshole, which is similar to putting peaches and syrup into cans.
Man 1: Me and my girlfriend's grandma were "canning peaches" last night!

Man 2: Really?? Well while you were doing that last night, I was "canning peaches" with your mom!
by Eziquio C. December 16, 2014
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When you rub your wiener all over something.
Eziquio just wienerized the Line 9 (29oz) cooker!!!
by Eziquio C. December 2, 2014
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