2 definitions by Exxen Oxen

A county in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, California. It is infested with a toxic mixture of rednecks and city slickers and they occasionally go to war over parking spaces. Watch out ElDo, we got a freaking movie theater! Yeah, you heard it, a singular movie theater!
Girl 1: I heard Amador County is full a rednecks.
Guy who just moved in from Folsom: What the FUCK is a frog jump???
by Exxen Oxen March 31, 2022
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The Jewel of the Mother Lode. Which isn't saying much.

Its population is about 2000. It's located smack-dab in the middle of Ass County, Assachusetts, USA. The 'A' in USA just stands for more ass.

(It's definitely not from Amador County nope nope no sir-ee)

There is a shitty school nearby. It's called Amador High School.

It mainly consists of:

- An entire army of (shitty) football players who like to point at girls and go, "ayyyy she got double d's"
- An entire army of 4' 11" girls who keep pulling their leggings up in an attempt to appear sexy but it just looks like they're giving themselves a wedgie
- Our lord and savior Cella
- weird drama kids
- weird band kids
- Those couples that stand in the middle of the hall and kiss when you're trying to go to fucking Geometry class
- A clowder of emos who call themselves nonbinary catgirls
- A bunch of country boys probably named Travis or something that call everything gay
- Weird horse girls (hurr durr)
- Trailer park trash
- People who don't have computers at home
- People who'd risk their lives to film Tiktoks
- People whose entire lives revolve around goats

And more! Come experience this at Amador County (and get peacefully drunk with fellow grandmas/grampas xoxo)
Teenage girl: Did you hear about Sutter Creek? I heard it's the Hick capital of the world!
Travis: hurr durr you got double d's
by Exxen Oxen February 8, 2022
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