1 definition by Evil Pacman

Derogatory term for certain youths in Britain. Chavs can mainly be identified by their general attire, including:

Tracksuits, White Trainers, Burberry Caps, Ridiculous Amounts of Gold Jewellry, Football Shirts, Brand names such as McKenzie, Fred Perry and Helly Hansen

Chav vocabulary s largely made of slang and mispronouced words, such as Dick 'ead, Fags (cigarettes) and F***in' Mosher.

Chavs have reputations as being very young parents, antisocial, alcoholics and drug addicts. If unsure, avoid them. But it can grow to be a loved past time to try and eliminate them from the face of the earth, as we often have tried to do.
Two in every three British youths are chavs. Let's face it, you could get mugged anywhere.
by Evil Pacman April 1, 2008
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