16 definitions by Evil Timmy

Request for comment - traditionally, the way standards were implemented on the web. Someone proposes a set of rules for a certain action, others comment on it, and it's eventually finalized. Applications will often say they conform to RFC something-or-other to prove they interoperate with basic standards. The RFC most people use daily is RFC2616, aka HTTP/1.1
Someone needs to draft an RFC for a stab-idiot-IRC-users-in-the-face protocol.
by Evil Timmy September 27, 2003
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A pirated copy of Windows purchased in an Asian country (so named for the stereotypical Asian mispronunciation of the letter 'L').
I was in Hong Kong and this guy on the street was selling these dodgy-looking CDs labelled 'Rindows' and 'Frotoshop'.
by Evil Timmy February 7, 2004
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