4 definitions by Emologist

1) The only people who would give the defenitions of emology and emologist thumbs down, because they know its true and they're ashamed.

2) A reason to bring two completely different people together to beat ass.
1) emology: (n) The study of emotional music and the losers who listen to it.

9 thumbs up, 1 thumb down

2) Gangster: emo sucks, dawg.
Metalhead: damn right motha fucker, lets whoop their asses.
by Emologist February 9, 2005
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1) The only people who would give the defenitions of emology and emologist thumbs down, because they know its true and they're ashamed.

2) A reason to bring two completely different people together to beat ass.
1. emology: (n) The study of emotional music and the losers who listen to it.

9 thumbs up, 1 thumb down

2. Gangster: emo sucks, dawg.
Metalhead: damn right motha fucker, lets whoop their asses.
by Emologist February 12, 2005
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(v) hunting wild animals in a suburban setting. usually the animals are small because of the rarity of big game in a suburb.
ducks, rabbits, stray cats & dogs, and many domestic animals (while still in the yard its much easier to get a succesful kill) are all considered game.
by Emologist April 26, 2005
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a website that can be useful for finding friends with similar interests, if used properly.
1st example of improper usage: I HAV LIEK TWENTYMILLIONBAJILLION FRENZ SO IM BETTER TEHN U!!!111!1!!!1!

2nd example of improper usage:
by Emologist May 12, 2005
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