3 definitions by Elite Enemy

One who abides by all laws, loves to play cop man, is a snitch, goes and gets coffee every morning to patrol the school parking lot, makes you have parent permission for everything, doesn't care to trust anybody, very uptight, has their head up their ass, usually is someone in higher authority than you, reports crime, and follows the dress code every day at work or school. This person follows all of the rules, even lame rules.
"Sir, do you have a pass? No? What is that a phone, give me your phone."

"Well, my friend, you are a Legal Document for trying to be so law-like."

by Elite Enemy November 6, 2007
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"Move the car at the 45 m.p.h limit you yohoo."
by Elite Enemy November 6, 2007
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A more specific word for dipshit. This guy has his hair gelled every day, is early for work or school every day, is a pervert, uses medication to fix all of his health problems, has the new stuff and trends in life, he trys his best at life to be perfect and happy. He usually is a son of a soccer mom, is a A+ student, and loves everyone. He is wealthy.
"You got the $500 new type of Ipod and drive a corvette to school? You my friend are a Pepsi."
by Elite Enemy November 6, 2007
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