2 definitions by Eli Witty

The art of masturbating so hard that you burn your dick
Guy 1: Dude, I was masturburning so hard last night my dick is still on fire.
Guy 2: Gotta put some water on that.
by Eli Witty January 4, 2015
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A blowjob where the giver has a mouth full of dip.
Example 1:

Guy 1: She gave me head, but she had a mouth full of Skoal.
Guy 2: Oh man, she gave you a Sloppy Dallas.

Example 2:
Guy 1: Billy Jim offered me a blowjob for some Taco Bell, but he has dip in his mouth.
Guy 2: Ah hell man, that would have been one helluva Sloppy Dallas.
by Eli Witty October 16, 2020
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