4 definitions by EeGeOnline

A pufferfish named after a very famous greifer in Minecraft
IGN: Supersammy801
That greifer is just like Sam The Pufferfish
by EeGeOnline August 2, 2018
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A joke used mostly by a famous Minecraft YouTuber named Skeppy and uses the word "idot" as a funny phrase to make fun of him self and others.
by EeGeOnline August 3, 2018
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A very famous griefer in Minecraft that partners up with EeGe, her best best friend.
Stop greifing Supersammy801!
by EeGeOnline August 3, 2018
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A very famous griefer in Minecraft that partners up with EeGe, her best best friend.
Stop greifing you Supersammy801!
by EeGeOnline August 3, 2018
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