3 definitions by Eckstahesee

Term used to describe drug marijuana.
Hey man got any green beans?

Yo man how much is those green beans?
by Eckstahesee December 20, 2003
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That sticky icky icky icky green.That shit that stick to your fingers and doesnt smoke in a joint.No seeds no stems only blunts and bongs.
Goddamn thats some of that bank head bud aint it.

I rolled a beany of some bank head bud an got the whole complex high.
by Eckstahesee December 20, 2003
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Term describing current state of mind and body usually caused by obscene usage of drugs or alcohol.
I ate 2 hits of X an drunk a beer an i was tore up from the floor up.

After funneling 42 beers i was tore up from the floor up.
by Eckstahesee December 20, 2003
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