2 definitions by EUnknownE

A roadman is someone who thinks they are ‘hard’ because they wear balaclavas and have about three layers of coats on . Usually these roadmen only wear balaclavas to hide the fact that they are ugly as fuck and claim it to just be for ‘no face no case’. These roadmen seem to all somehow believe they will be rich when there older due to their 4K followers they’ve brought on ig or gained by doing promos no one gives a fuck about.
Mum - ‘You better not be friends with him , he seems very dangerous ‘
Son- ‘no worry , that is just a roadman
by EUnknownE July 31, 2019
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A year 10 boy is usually found wearing a puffer coat in all types of weather. They usually all have the same perm or fish bowl hair cut making their faces look like fat squares. After school , you may find them in a big crowd around a nearby bus stop smoking the fags they’ve stole from their mums whilst hiding their weed in their Nike or Adidas man bags. They all attempt to speak like roadmen but end up sounding like 10 year old caravan chavs. A year 10 boy is usually drowned in the smell of lynx because that’s all they can afford even though they claim to be making ‘racks’ at 14 & 15 years old. These boys tend to only like girls for their battys and completely ignore the fact they are ugly . Most of these boys claim to be getting ‘beat’ every weekend by their ‘loyal’ girlfriends commonly named Leah or Chloe . Most of these boys expect to be rich when they’re older when they write with their left hand & are in set eight for every subject .
Year 11 Girl- ‘omg who smells like lynx mixed with weed and body odour
Other girl- ‘must be a year 10 boy near by’
by EUnknownE July 31, 2019
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