2 definitions by EPIPHANY

A dope chic! She has a giving spirit and is concerned for the plight of her people.

A Shawnita won't beat around the bush. She's a free spirit and doesn't deal in chaos or messy situations. She is loyal, true to who she is and a free-thinker. Her humble beginnings keeps her grounded.
In a world of self-centered, arrogant beings, be a Shawnita!
by EPIPHANY December 17, 2016
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An extremely effeminate, catty, bitchy gay male who is, in "her" own mind, definitely more fabulous than you will ever even dream of being.
"Honey! I am the Queen Bitch, Supreme Bitch, kill a nigga for my nigga, by any means Bitch, Murder Scene Bitch, Clean Bitch. Disease Free Bitch!!!"
by EPIPHANY August 20, 2005
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