2 definitions by Dylan Fletcher

Something that is too large to be described by any popular modern words such as "huge", "Gigantic", or "enormous". Originating in Tampa, Florida, the word is most commonly used to describe areas and objects of extreme sports. It is also most commonly accompanied by the word "fucking" used as an adverb.
Oh my god, dude! Look at that fucking mokar wave, man!

My friend, that is one mokar fucking engine right there.

When in doubt, hit the most fucking mokar jump out there and hang on. You'll find your way.
by Dylan Fletcher June 2, 2005
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noun. Used to describe a person. A word that combines the term nimrod and the word hemroid, it is used to describe someone who is exceptionally annoying as well as uncommonly stupid. The most simple explaination when a person asks what the term you just used means would be "You are as dumb as a nimrod and as annoying as a hemroid...therefor you are a nimroid.
My girlfiend's little brother won't ever leave us alone long enough for me to slam it in her ass. He just keeps bargin in everytime I get ready to spit on her and throw it in. That kid is such a fucking nimroid.

Your dad is a nimroid. Your mother is a nimroid. I should have known...they would make a nimroid bitch like you.
by Dylan Fletcher June 2, 2005
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