50 definitions by Dumugian

Someone who likes to gaslight people on the Internet, someone who does cybergaslighting, someone who makes people question their own sanity and perception on the Internet. The term is mostly used to prefer to trolls, cyberbullies and bullycakes who often gaslight people on the Internet just for fun.
Hey man, stop being such cybergaslighter and get a life.
by Dumugian October 27, 2021
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The Flat Earth Analogy or Flat Earth Falacy is an informal falacy to formal falacy that seeks to compare certain concept, idea, hypothesis or theory into something that is falacious, often flat Earth. A common example of this is "X is just like flat Earth", "Believing in X is the same as believe in flat Earth", "X and flat Earth are the same because both concepts are bullshit" and "X and flat Earth do not exist so they are somewhat similar", this falacy/analogy is commonly used by atheists, scientificists and people who want to discredit some narrative or idea/concept.
"The Flat Earth Analogy is a form of Argumentum Ad Pseudoscientia, maybe the most common form of Argumentum ad Pseudoscientia, that can include other things such as "climate denial", "antivax" and so on."
by Dumugian December 6, 2021
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Extraphysicalism, also Metaphysicalism, is a philosophical stance that holds that reality is extraphysical and that all physical and material is dependent of the extraphysical and extramaterial and vice-versa. Extraphysicalism also supports that there are extraphysical components in reality and in how reality works but it's hard or even impossible to be physically determined or proved. Extraphysicalism also states that there are things and life beyond the spacetime as well as the existence of extraphysical life, extraphysical worlds and extraphysical dimensions.
Extraphysicalism holds that reality is extraphysical and all matter and physics are related to the extramatter and extraphysics.
by Dumugian October 15, 2021
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The Culture of Debunking is a term used to refer to the culture of someone debunkd things they disagree with or dislike just to become famous, attack others, be a militant against what he does not like, or even for aristocratic and economic purposes. The culture of debunking tends to go hand in hand with the theory of social quackery, and the culture of debunking is considered the main ideology of the vast majority of debunkers and skeptics around the world.
The Culture of Debunking is worse than the cancel culture and must be fought.
by Dumugian January 9, 2022
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Hearts of Iron 4: NAAZ World is a hypothetical HoI4 that would be set in 2030's that would be about a world where the anarchist autonomous zones of 2020 in the USA escalated into a massive global anarchist revolution that leaded into the creation of the NAAZ (North America Autonomous Zone) and the turning of all G7 countries plus latin America into anarchists controlled by NAAZ, and also the restoration of the USSR and the creation of the Anunnakiya (Anunnaki State) in the Middle East for work as a buffer zone between the anarchists and the communists. There are still some remainings of NATO (World Treaty Organization - WTO) in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, and the world as we known is unrecognizable by 2030's, without mention the whole magnetic anti-missile technologies of NAAZ and the anti-singularity technologies of NAAZ as well that enable NAAZ to win the WW3 against NATO and to enable the creation this anarchist order in the world. Leading into a cold war between NAAZ, New USSR and Anunnakiya.
NAAZ World is going to be a great HoI4 mod if someone decides to develop it, of course.
by Dumugian October 28, 2021
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Mappainting, also Map Painting, is a derogatory term to refer to gaming of Grand Strategy Games that are mostly painting maps, such as Hearts of Iron 4, The New Order: Last Days of Europe, Victoria 2, Europa Universalis 4, Stellaris, Sid Meier's Civilization series and similar games.
I love mappainting, but most people wonder how can someone find mappainting funny and entertaining.
by Dumugian January 5, 2022
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Anunna System is the ideology of Anunna Empire. It is a libertarian leftist ideology, combining monarchy, theocracy, communism and cultural centrism.

In an Anunna System society, the ultimate ruler of the society is the Lugal and his family, there are also other royal families who help the main royal family during their rulership. The economy is entirely community-based and all means of production are community-owned and administered by the families responsible for it's maintenance and administration. There's no money in an Anunna System society, everyone receives food, water, clothes and such based on how much they work or how much they contribute for their society, despite some Anunna System societies can also have some kind of credit system depending of its situation and place.

The Anunna System society is quite stratified, but everyone is equal and the society is the most horizontally organized as possible. There are no slaves under it, despite there are plebeians and free workers, but both of them receive equal treatment on law and all of them receive according to their needs and capacities. There's also an amazing men-women equality. The punishment is mostly by rehabilitation and most of its justice is rehabilitative.
The Anunna System is an interesting ideology.
by Dumugian November 26, 2021
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