12 definitions by Dreamz

Shomarr - A child named after a planet, name is most likely pronounced, “Sha-Mar”. Usually falls in love with people named after the letter “D”
A Queen.
“Shomarr literally told me what she said.”

“Shomarr is the best at what they do!”
by Dreamz November 23, 2021
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ridiculously cruddy; can be used to describe the way one feels or a place.

Example 1
Girl 1: You haven't been to work in 3 days! What's wrong with you?
Girl 2: Leave me alone. I feel crudiculous from this cold!

Example 2
Girl 1: So, are you gonna date Ted?
Girl 2: Yeah, right. Have you seen his apartment? It's crudiculous.
by Dreamz April 7, 2009
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1. To resist using the bathroom for as long as you can, inspired by necessity or laziness, thus acting like the animal.

2. To pick, fix your camel toe situation.

Definition 1:
K: "Can we stop at the next rest area? I gotta pee."
J: "No! C'mon just camel it out for another 100 miles."

Definition 2:
R: "Yo, be-yotch, nobody wants to see that munch. Camel it out!"
by Dreamz January 1, 2009
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1. To resist using the bathroom for as long as you can, inspired by necessity or laziness, thus acting like the animal.

2. To pick, fix your camel toe situation.
Definition 1.
K: "Can we stop at the next rest area? I gotta pee."
J: "No! C'mon just camel it out for another 100 miles."

Definition 2.
R: "Yo, be-yotch, nobody wants to see that munch. Camel it out!"
by Dreamz November 20, 2008
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to be in possession of a very large or emerging pimple, sometimes red, sometimes purple
R: Yo, I've been big pimpin' for days.
J: It's time for the 'tane!
R: Word.
by Dreamz April 15, 2009
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A person who embellishes their sexcapades to sound cooler.
Guy 1: "Did Tommy tell you about his all-nighter with that hot chick from the bar last night?"
Guy 2: "Yeah right dude, he's such a pornocchio. She told me nothing happened."
by Dreamz August 21, 2008
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A person who embellishes their sexcapades to sound cooler.
Guy 1: "Did Tommy tell you about his all-nighter with that hot chick from the bar last night?"
Guy 2: "Yeah right dude, he's such a pornocchio. She told me nothing happened."
by Dreamz September 16, 2008
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