2 definitions by DrQui

Another, popular name for Somerfield. Also referred to as Scummerfields for those with more time.

Where senior Years at Gillingham School spend most of their time.
Sixth Former 1- "I'm off down Scummers for some chocolate cake."
Sixth Former 2- "Bring me back some brownies, I can't get out 'till lunch."
by DrQui September 6, 2006
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Small Town on Wiltshire/Dorset/Somerset border. To say somebody comes from Mere implies they are a Mutant/Inbred.
Random 1 - "Oh, my friend comes from Mere."
Random 2 - "Have they got three legs?"
Random 1 - " No, but their uncle is also their Father...."
by DrQui September 6, 2006
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