3 definitions by Dornob21

A small sophisticated group of men. You are very fortunate if you get accepted to the Yolo swag group
"I was planning on applying to the Yolo swag group, but I am not Yolo swag worthy"
by Dornob21 March 11, 2015
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1.) used when you reject someone's handshake/high five
2.) when you get excited

3.) pretty much anytime you want to say it
1.) iPhoneisha blocks Courtney. When Courtney went up for the lay-up, iPhoneisha came up and yelled "yah yeet" as if she knew that Courtney was going to be embarrassed.
2.) Mark extends his arm so he can give Alex a high five. Alex also puts his arm out but pulls it away last minute as he screams "yah yeet" white Mark stands in shock
by Dornob21 March 11, 2015
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A kid that tries to convince everyone that he's related to a celebrity
Person1: "Hey look at that guy telling everyone that he's related to MJ."
Person2: "Yeah dude, he's such a Jordan"
by Dornob21 March 12, 2015
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