2 definitions by Don Tazemi

noun: A rarely heard act that accompanies a lap dance. Usually heard in the spring in the most exclusive of gentlemen's clubs.
Jerry's lap overfilled with joy when the performer broke into a lap song that was reminiscent of a lullaby his mother used to sing to him.
by Don Tazemi August 2, 2011
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Noun: Anything on the human body that comes in pairs, especially parts that make you giggle.
Bar parton 1: I can't believe that guy had the gahoingas to hit on that chick with the large gahoingas.

Bar patron 2: Dude, I am not believing my gahoingas.

NOTE: never used singly, such as "Oy, my gahoinga!"
by Don Tazemi August 1, 2011
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