2 definitions by Doji Subeta
Destruction by way of conflagration, esp by 'Trogdor.' To become ashen as by pyretic consumption. v. 'Burnination'
"Trogdor was a man. He was a dragon man. Maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still Trogdor."
"Burninating the countryside! Burninating the peasants! Burninating all the peoples and their thatched roof cottages!"
"Burninating the countryside! Burninating the peasants! Burninating all the peoples and their thatched roof cottages!"
by Doji Subeta March 25, 2003
<Arumasi> I'm a cheap college student, just not in the Boston area, so getting to Boston defies my cheapitude.
by Doji Subeta June 13, 2003