32 definitions by Doh Nuts 13

Someone who likes to lie and practices lieing.
person1: Dude wanna hang out?

Person2: Cant gotta go with my mom to the store.

Person1: Bullshit artist.
by Doh Nuts 13 June 24, 2004
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Hyper, Slighty annoyed,and strongly stupid at the same time.
Person 1: I am buying Dohnuts!

Person 2: Cool.

Person 1: But you cant have any.

Person 2: 77 Stoled!!
by Doh Nuts 13 May 15, 2004
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A number so great and HUGE that N.A.S.A scientists cant even fathom this number.
Omg, what a fag, they told him to shut the fuck up like a gabiljillion times and he is still talking, what a n00b.
by Doh Nuts 13 December 15, 2004
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The Second Fucking Greatest band ever imaginable, right after Led Zeppelin!!!
Pink Floyd also pwns you!
by Doh Nuts 13 September 10, 2004
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