3 definitions by DoIRockorWhat?

Band that is bad, and only gets listened to because of lead singers hair.
Just ask any Paramore fan the reason why they listened to them in the first place. The answer is always, "Hayley is so cool." or "Hayley's hair is awesome!"
by DoIRockorWhat? May 22, 2009
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Extremely, extremely hot guy. Singer of current band Cobra Starship and broken up band Midtown. Most know for "Hollaback Boy", the parody of Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl" and "Snakes on a Plane (Bring It)" for the movie "Snakes On A Plane"
Me: Gabe Saporta is so hot!
Friend: I know!
by DoIRockorWhat? July 9, 2009
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