10 definitions by Direwolf

Assuming everyone knows what porn is (unless you're mentally retarded)... 98% of the time someone's hard drive gives out on them, it's because of this.
"Dude my computer started giving me all these error messages and stuff... can you help me?"

"Yea, first of all, get a new hard drive/entire computer cause yours probably sucks... when you're done with that, stop looking at so much porn! Idiot! At least be smart about it: get anti-virus, anti-spyware, and a firewall...THEN you can BEGIN to look at SOME...
by Direwolf September 4, 2006
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The use of a toilet plunger handle as a makeshift dildo
I did the "Toilet Plunger" with Susan last night... she said that made my whole week!
by Direwolf December 17, 2022
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When you materbate a home by yourself and cry in shame after
I did "The Home Alone" last night and felt pathetic at having to do so
by Direwolf December 16, 2022
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