25 definitions by DiiKaBaKa

A form of punishment or torture in former times in which the victim was hoisted by a rope, usually by his hands tied behind him, and allowed to fall to the length of the rope, whch did not reach the ground and so caused a painful jerk. Also see squasation.
"We used strappado on him."
by DiiKaBaKa January 26, 2004
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1. Relating to, of the same nature as, or characterized by involuntary muscular contractions, esp. the long-continued contractions known as tonic spasms.
2. A person afflicted by such spasms; a person suffering from cerebral palsy.
"Christine is very spastic."
by DiiKaBaKa January 24, 2004
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1. To add illustrations to a book by inserting additional prints, drawings etc.
2. To mutilate (books) to get illustrations.
The book was grangerized.
by DiiKaBaKa January 24, 2004
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She wasn't into 69 so we had to g6.
by DiiKaBaKa January 20, 2004
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A nervous illness characterized by convulsions and ending in a loss of consciousness.
"I have epilepsy."
by DiiKaBaKa January 26, 2004
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